2021 recap

Not sure what exactly, specifically, realistically I expected would come of my pandemic passion project, but I can confidently say I was surprised—delighted, even—at the end of the season.

I built the nano-farm while cresting a wave of impulse and enthusiasm. With no real experience growing things, it was a practicum and a proving ground. Turns out, I really do love the discipline and I have some cool stuff to show for putting my hand to it this first year.



start early

I got a very late start last year. Luckily, the Hail Mary paid off, but I am anxious to extend the growing season by planning and starting each crop well in advance.

nourish better

When I stumbled across Korean natural farming practices (specifically, the JADAM method), I knew I’d found something special. I’ll be making and leveraging JMS (JADAM Microbial Solution) throughout the season; stay tuned to see the results.

stay organized

The logistics of production management were overwhelming to me and truthfully, I didn’t do a stellar job from the get-go. But, as always, I get another crack at it starting now, and I intend to keep a tight(er) ship so I have a comprehensive plan against which to measure results and make effective revisions for the following season.

automate irrigation

This is a trickier matter for me than most I face on my nano-farm. I’m working with a residential hose on a driveway, but I believe I can jimmy-rig a solution that will prevent some of the challenges we faced during last season’s particularly scorching summer.

share abundance

One of the sweetest joys of growing food is the doling-out of the harvest. Abundance is more than a mindset in this setting. There are literally scores of fruit and seeds and starts to share. Last year I delighted in delivering cut flower bouquets to friends, but I did a poor job of saving/sharing seeds or gifting excess crops to neighbors. I’ll be better this time around!

document learning

I intended to document the growing season in great detail, but that became less of a priority as life got a little crowded with work, church, and family obligations. I’ve spent some time thinking about what kind of chronicling would have been helpful to me as I set out on this experiment, and I aim to create and share those assets this time around:

  • pre-season plans / garden sketches • seed starting & succession planting spreadsheets • seed orders & shopping notes • input plans • expenses

  • doin’ it / input methods & recipes • seed starting • hardening-off • planting • trouble-shooting • progress photos • harvesting

  • post-harvest / recipes (fresh & preservation) • lessons & future plan revisions

  • resources / preferred learning sources • planning tools & product links


mom & dad

For the use of your driveway, flowerbeds, patio, and water, the remote cheerleading, and your generosity of spirit, I am so grateful.

grandma & grandpa

You had front-row seats to the show, and you still love me. Your moral support made all the difference. Thanks for being the OG gardeners in my life.

the hoffeins family

You are responsible for the nano-farm build. Thank you for gifting your time and talents to erect this precious personal sanctuary/school for me.


You understood more than most what this project meant to and for me. After watching me wade through a long stretch of sorrow, you were eager assistants in this comeback project. Thank you for long Saturdays in the sun and the plated enthusiasm you let me feed on when I felt blue.

Thank you for the photography and social shares and general championing of this all-but-lost cause—your sister.

friends & family

An icy midnight installation of the in-laid drip system was made possibly by Emily, Jake, and Bo Golightly. Bless you.

Many thanks to my extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, second-cousins) for their support and interest. I love sharing my world with you.

Other contributors of time/labor/enthusiasm/confidence/grace include:

Jeff Moss • Andrew & Carter Nevers • Ariel & Clint Hubbard • Madison Fujimoto • Brenda Christiansen • Lauren Robertson • Cami & Brad Nelson • Kendall & Mike Thurston • Rachel Harmon & Brigham Kelly • OH1 Young Women • Janelle & Don Jarvis • Rex Kocherhans • Mimi Rogers • Jill Jacoby • Amy & Hannah Bingham • Sarah Fox • Lori & Ray Kolb • Sean Orfila • Chris & Guy Golightly • Spencer & Tanika Tuinei